Programm « living together with different cultures, A futur to build together »

Panel on « living together with different cultures, A futur to build together », on Monday, May 14, 2018 at 2 pm.
Adress’ event:
UNESCO Headquarters, room VI
7, place de Fontenoy
Paris 7e, France
Programm :
Panel for a culture of peace and nonviolence, which include, initiatives to the benefit of democracy and global citizenship, of intercultural dialogue, of education to peace and to Human rights, and for the construction of peace.
Living together with different cultures :
- Promote intercultural dialogue
- Any individual is pluricultural
- All cultures are mixed
- An motionless culture is a dead culture
- Immigration is a perk
- Does the law prevails over custom?
- The role of school
- The danger of deculturation
- It is about our best interest and consciousness for the future.