Catégorie : COJEP International

Conseil pour la Justice, l'Egalité et la Paix

The Diplomatic COJEP No4 – Feb 2021

Hello World! You can find our fourth number of Cojep Diplomtatic Newletter with the theme of the fight against Covid-19 Pandemic, observations, results and what future awaits us with the effects due to this crisis.   Download The COJEP Diplomatic 4


The First Eurasian Civil Solidarity Forum organized by the Council for Justice, Equality and Peace are a call for international civil society and global solidarity. This call is a light of love for people and nations without discrimination. The First Eurasian Civil Solidarity Forum will be attended by scientists, politicians, diplomats, NGOs, media and national…
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« Refugees and migrants issue in Asia” – Dhaka, Bangladesh – July 2021

Civil solidarity forum on “Refugees and migrants issue in Asia” will be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on July 2021 organized by Cojep International. This forum defined as a unique space for open and interactive dialogue between civil society members, NGOs, Diplomats, politician, academician, Business leader and celebrated personalities. Participants from Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, China,…
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Forum régional sur la migration en Afrique au mois de juin 2021

En raison des préparatifs de la tenue du forum régional de Cojep international Région Afrique au mois de juin 2021, la coordination de Cojep international Région Afrique a ainsi pris plusieurs contacts avec des organisations de la société civile africaine et d’autres personnalités publiques de la région. L’objectif principal c’est de rassembler plus du monde…
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Civil Solidarity Forum: Message from Asif Khan (Assistant Coordinator of international relations)

This year in 2021 Cojep international is seeking to organise the Civil Solidarity Forum. Civil Solidarity Forum is a high-level multi-stakeholder participatory forum, to be hosted by each region of Cojep, which would provide a platform for effective dialogues among civil societies, diplomats, national and international NGOs, academics, politicians, development think-tanks, development practitioners, leaders from…
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LLSG İnsan hakları sertifika programı çok yakında!

FRANSA/STRAZBURG: Cojep international (Uluslararası Adalet için Barış ve Eşitlik Konseyi), LLSG insan hakları enstitüsü sertifika programı düzenlemektedir. Alanında uzman ve otorite hocalarla birlikte gerçekleştirilen bu sertifika programı Covid 19 pandemi sebebiyle online geçerileştirilecektir. Bu sertifika programına katılmak isteyen, hukuk, uluslararası ilişkiler, diplomasi, siyaset bilimi alanında öğrenci veya sivil toplum alanında aktivist bireyler bize aşağıdaki linkten…
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Proposition to cooperation for «Cojep Civil Solidarity Forum».

By this letter , I request support and partnership for our NGO COJEP INTERNATIONAL, of which I am the president. COJEP « Council for Justice, Equality and Peace » was created in 1985 and is headquartered in Strasbourg. Our NGO has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, UNESCO (NGO Liaison…
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Proposition de coopération pour le Forum de la solidarité civile.

Par cette lettre, je fais un appel à partenariat pour notre ONG COJEP INTERNATIONAL, dont je suis le président. Le « Conseil pour la justice, l’égalité et la paix » (COJEP) a été créé en 1985 et a son siège social à Strasbourg. Notre ONG a le statut consultatif auprès du Conseil économique et social…
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COJEP Sivili Dayanışma Forumu

Dünyanın acılarını, sızılarını sivillerin vicdanları dindirebilir. Siviller bir araya gelerek “küresel adalet koalisyonu” kurmadan küreselleşen acılarımız sızılarımızı dindirilemez. Cojep küresel adalet koalisyonu için farklı kıtalarda Sivil dayanışma forumları düzenleyerek sivillerin tanışması işbirliklerinin arttırılması ve küresel adalet koalisyonunun kurulması için bir adım atmıştır… Cojep genel merkezin başkanlığında ve bölge koordinatörlükleri ile birlikte yürütülen Sivil dayanışma formları…
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Les Forums de la Solidarité Civile de Cojep international

Les Forums de la Solidarité Civile de Cojep international: Les organisations non gouvernementales sont les partenaires incontournables pour les preneurs de décisions. Nos douleurs devenues universelles ne se soulageront pas tant que les acteurs de la société civile ne se réunissent et forment une «coalition pour une justice à l’échelle mondiale». Sous la présidence du…
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