The 5th Annual United Nations Global Conference for a Drug-Free World will take place on Friday, March 22, 2024, in Conference Room 6 at UN Headquarters in New York, during the 68th UN Session for the Empowerment of Women’s (CSW68), followed by a prestigious VIP awards reception which will take place at the famous New…
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One would be hard-pressed to identify a societal ill more insidious and destructive than drug and substance abuse, which erodes not only the core of the individual, but entire communities. Justice, peace, equality, and consciousness are impossible in a drugged, unaware society. Global drug abuse affected a staggering 275 million people worldwide in 2021 while…
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Le COJEP, conseil pour la justice, l’égalité et la paix, a tenu une conférence le 03 octobre 2022 au palais des Nations unies à Genève. En effet, la coordinatrice azerbaïdjanaise du COJEP, madame Nushaba MAMMADOVA, l’invité monsieur Frank MUSMAR, académicien, chercheur, spécialiste du Moyen-Orient, et Dudu KELES, coordinatrice des relations internationales pour le COJEP également,…
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At the 67th NGO Conference at the United Nations in New York, we presented our project « Reforming oneself to reform the World ». This project consists in claiming the reform of the United Nations Security Council, by abolishing the right of veto and allowing a more legitimate representativity of the different geographical zones but also by…
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COJEP INTERNATIONAL attended the 67th Conference of the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This conference which took place from August 22 to August 23, 2018 in New York brought together many NGOs around the theme « We, the people … together in search of global solutions to global problems ». While…
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At the INGO Conference, COJEP International participated in the meeting of the Human Rights Commission. This meeting was rich and allowed to discuss important topics such as social rights, freedom of expression, migration, people with disabilities and many other topics. Various working groups set up during this session by the Human Rights Commission were also…
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Cojep International urged the UN Human Rights General Assembly to urgently end the Qatar crisis and remove the grievances of the people of Qatar … Cojep publishes press release about the subject Cojep wanted to finish the crisis by sending 3,000 e-mails to delegations, NGOs and related general managers in international organizations interested in…
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