Proposition to cooperation for «Cojep Civil Solidarity Forum».

By this letter , I request support and partnership for our NGO COJEP INTERNATIONAL, of which I am the president.
COJEP « Council for Justice, Equality and Peace » was created in 1985 and is headquartered in Strasbourg. Our NGO has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, UNESCO (NGO Liaison Committee), the Council of Europe (NGO Conference), the OECD and accredited by of the European Parliament and the OSCE.
We are present with our agencies and coordinators Asia, Africa, Balkans, Center Asia, Middle East but also at the United States. In the face of the needs of citizens, COJEP has evolved in all its years in areas such as migration, migrant status, belonging, sedentarization, citizenship, democratic participation, education, living together , fighting against racism and discrimination are the priorities of the COJEP movement within international institutions.
We won experience and respect as we go. Today, COJEP works for humanitarian values. We have demonstrated to civil society and international organizations the importance of our role in development, strengthening of peace, justice, rights, freedoms and democracy. Our association has proven itself in these areas by becoming an organization accredited and respected by the international community.
Today, we write to you o request your partnership and cooperation for to organizing together our «Civil Solidarity forum» in your region and others regions where COJEP are represented. These different events will be following by the final of this Forum at United Nations – Geneva.
You can find details about with the documents in appendices. In addition, our coordinator in post will be delighted to warmly explain the purpose and expectations of this forum to you.
In the hope of being able to collaborate with you, please accept my respectful greetings.
Chairman Cojep international
20-11-2020 – Strasbourg, FRANCE
Download the project in PDF : CivilSolidarityForum- Form ENG