Ay: Nisan 2017

Adalet, Eşitlik ve Barış Konseyi

The Conference on Radicalization Effects of Racist and Discriminatory Policies in Europe was held.

The Cojep International think-tank held a conference on Monday (April 24th) at the Council of Europe, entitled « The Effects of Radicalization of Racist and Discriminatory Politics in Europe. » Serap Yasar, Samir Amghar and Wajdi Limam participated in the conference, which was held under the moderation of Shaban Keeper, as speakers.

Avrupa’daki Irkçı ve Ayrımcı Politikaların Radikalleşmeye etkileri.

Cojep Uluslararası düşünce kuruluşu 24 Nisan Pazartesi tarihinde Avrupa Konseyi’nde,  »Avrupa’daki Irkçı ve Ayrımcı Politikaların Radikalleşmeye etkileri. » adlı konferansı gerçekleştirdi. Şaban Kiper moderatörlüğünde gerçekleştirilen konferansa, konuşmacı olarak AKP İstanbul Milletvekili Serap Yaşar, Samir Amghar, Wajdi Limam katıldı.

Avrupa’nın ırkçı ve ayrımcı politikalarının Avrupa toplumları üzerindeki etkileri

Tarih: 25 Nisan 2017 13.00 Yer:Avrupa Konseyi Konu: Avrupa’nın ırkçı ve ayrımcı politikalarının Avrupa  toplumları üzerindeki etkileri Moderatör: Ümit Dönmez Konuşmacılar: Samir Djaiz, Sami Zegnani, Prof. Dr. Haldun Yalçınkaya  

European Policies Discriminatories and Their Effects on Radicalization European

Date: 25 April 2017 at 1 pm Location: At the Council of Europe, Subject: European Policies Discriminatories and Their Effects on Radicalization European Communities Moderator: Ümit Dönmez Speakers: Samir Djaiz, Sami Zegnani, Prof. Dr. Haldun Yalçınkaya  

Les Politiques Européennes Discriminatories et Leurs Effets sur la Radicalisation

Date  : le 25 Avril 2017 à 13h Lieu  :Au Conseil de l’Europe, Sujet  : Les Politiques Européennes Discriminatories et Leurs Effets  sur la Radicalisation communautés européennes Modèrateur: Ümit Dönmez Intervenant  : Samir Djaiz, Sami Zegnani, Prof. Dr. Haldun Yalçınkaya  

Youth Forum

The Council of Europe held on 3-5 November 2014; An international forum has been held on the participation of young people in the democratic process and on the introduction of democracy in these participations. As COJEP International we also got our site in the forum.

COJEP Moves Islamophobia to the Council of Europe

COJEP carried Islamophobia to the Council of Europe on 26 June 2015. It was stated that the better definition of the concept of Islamophobia would raise the level of sensitivity in society. The conference discussed the issue of Islamophobia being recognized in Europe at the same level as antisemitism in the legal and social context…

ORIW 2014 – 2015 Report in the UN

Le site de COJEP International à l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève hier ORİW dans « l’islamophobie dans les médias » à la conférence. Connu pour son travail contre le racisme et l’islamophobie ORIW le rapport d’étude 2014-2015 présenté aux participants à la conférence réalisée. COJEP Secrétaire général Celil Yılmaz a déclaré que la maladie…

Nefret Suçları Formasyonları

Avrupa Yurttaşlık Kongreleri
