« Take action for multiculturalism ! » Campaign – 2020 Asia Year

To draw attention to injustices in the world and in international organizations Cojep launched the project « Takeaction for multiculturalism ! Do something for a just world!». The project plans a campaign, which will last for 3 years, was started in 2019 with the theme of « Africa year ».
During 2019, conferences were held with African non-governmental organizations such as GCJR, ODES, PASTEF, CIRID, AIJEIP and Pan African League UMOJA.
In international organizations such as United Nations New York, United Nations Geneva, Unesco Paris, important activist academics and politicians participated in the conferences and the contributions that Africa could offer to world peace with its potential experience and historical accumulation were discussed.
Emphasizing the bloody colonial history of Africa, it was emphasized that Africa should be left to the Africans. Different non-governmental organizations gained experience to do something for a fair world. To this end, it was emphasized that the awareness of justice from different civil society organizations that came together was something so precious that it would not be left to politicians alone.
The second year of our campaign to « Do something for a fair world » will be started at UNESCO on January 16th, 2020 and then, different events during 2020 will be organized at European Parliament, Council of Europe, the United Nations in Geneva and the United Nations in New York.
These events will be organized with important civil society organizations of Asia and will be realized with the participation of activist, academics and politicians.
With the Year of America and Europe in 2021, the first phase of our three-year « Take action for multiculturalism !
Do something for a just world!» campaign will be completed. At the end of the third year, we will form a global NGO FORUM for global justice with our associations from Africa, Asia, America and Europe working together for a fair world. This forum will map the road to our quest for global justice in the coming years.
COJEP International, headquartered in Strasbourg and represented in 15 European countries; It is an international organization accredited to the Council of Europe, the United Nations, the European Parliament, the OSCE, the European Agency for Fundamental Rights and UNESCO.
It conducts international activities in the field of youth, racism and discrimination, democratic participation and equal rights.
Asia Year 1st event program ENG
Press Release 1st event Asia Year – Eng
– «Justice forever, Freedom forever» –
Ali Gedikoğlu
Chairman of Cojep international